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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Flyboy and Sovereign Fate Teasers

It’s Thursday and time for more Teasers! I hope you enjoy them!

Sovereign Fate Chapter 6 Teaser (This chapter will be very short)

Esme and Alice excitedly entered the princess’s bedchamber shortly after she had awakened. They were even more eager to get an opportunity to grow closer with the girl who would soon be family, especially now that Edward appeared to be having a slight change of heart in regard to the arrangement. He still wasn’t what one would call happy for it, but he had begun to take on a new acceptance and respect for the woman who would stand by his side for the duration of his eventual rule.

Alice and Angela had both kept quiet about their suspicions regarding the bride and groom, for fear that by some stroke of fate they were wrong, while excitedly counting down the hours until all would be revealed. Neither cared to see how this could possibly end up badly, even though both secretly worried that Edward’s actions the past couple of years might have tainted the reunion somewhat. He had made poor choices, but with any luck, they would not cost him the possibility for happiness.

The morning passed quickly as Isabella was asked to try on her dress one last time in the attainment of perfection and to allow her mother and new in-laws to have a chance to see exactly how angelic she looked. The eyes of all three ladies swam with tears at the vision of Isabella adorned in ivory and gold. Alice smiled deviously as visions of her brother’s reaction when he realized exactly whom he would be marrying flooded her consciousness. If she had been excited before, it was a pale emotion in comparison to the glee she felt upon seeing Isabella in her dress.

The Wallflower and The Flyboy Chapter 12 Teaser

Once we were all dressed, fed, and our mess cleaned up, Carlisle, Esme, and I made our way across the city to the offices of Hannity and associates. I had to be honest, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of vindication when I passed through the halls of this building where I had once been treated as an underling not worth a second glance and treated worse than a dog by some associates, but was now given the red carpet treatment. I was the daughter-in-law and wife of the most high profile clients this firm had. Not only that, I was on my way to a meeting where the final paperwork would be ratified placing the controlling interest of that company completely in my care, thus making me amongst their highest profile clients.

My vindication only soared to new heights when my former boss James Damon was sitting in on the meeting. He and my other former bosses didn’t even look at me or speak directly to me until Carlisle interrupted them with a raised hand.

“I have to interrupt you gentlemen. You are addressing the wrong individual in this room. You did the paperwork, so I am certain you are aware of that fact. I am simply here as a witness at the request of my son. Mrs. Isabella Cullen is your client and should be the one with which you confer in this matter. All final decisions from this point on are in her capable hands, not mine. So I suggest you give your actual VIP client your kowtowing, not me.”

He smirked over at me as I looked up at him in surprise, a slow chuckle bubbling up in my face as I glanced back at the stunned men in front of me. They simply were not accustomed to a woman having this kind of power, especially in regard to such a high dollar corporation.

They blinked at me a few times with owlish eyes before finally sifting their posture and addressing me with the same respect as they had Carlisle, although the expression on James’ face did nothing to hide the sour taste in his mouth as he did.

Update: The chapter following this one we finally see ARO get his just desserts! :)

1 comment:

  1. YES! I cannot wait to see how Aro gets what is coming to him! SWEET!
