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Friday, March 12, 2010

Don't Walk...RUN to see Remember Me!!!

Just saw Remember Me and OMFG...it is the best Rob movie yet! He totally proved to the whole world exactly what a fantastic actor he really is. I will not give anything away, except I highly suggest you bring tissues. Anyway, back to Rob, I was almost nearly over the crush and then POW Remember Me and I'm all lusty again. The chemistry between him and Emily De Ravin is great and him playing the roll of Big Brother is so sweet! I'm telling you right now...you have to go see it this weekend! It's SO Worth it!!!!!


  1. I have ta agree with you. I just went this morning to see it and it was So worth it. A tear joker but I have to say it was his best work!

  2. yes I'm right there with you, I swear I cried three hours after it ended. it was fantastic and to see him playing with that girl Ruby who played his sister on and off screen I thought was soo adorable. Even though I cried, i'm going to go see it again.

  3. Saw it in the morning on Friday and then again late the same night with my "Twilight buds". To say that I was lusting after the man would be an understatement. That bit of stubble on his face late in the movie just about made me melt. Great story, wonderful acting and Rob was superb !Did I mention how HOT he is??? His best movie so far. I've realized that I'm not a Cougar, I'm a Robcat and proud of it.

  4. I agree! I saw it last Friday with my Mom and we both left holding napkins to our eyes! Mark my words someday Robert Pattinson will win an Oscar! He is extreamly talented and I can't wait to tell all those haters that I told them so!
