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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Flyboy Epi Teaser

So it seems that now that I've started writing in the third person, I can't stop...so when the epi came this way..I just left it. I hope you enjoyed the story and the epi!

Chicago, May 1966

“What I don’t understand is why she has to go around protesting the war. Honestly, I’m expecting her to come home any day now referring to herself as Cherry Blossom. Doesn’t she see where I might find this all upsetting?” Edward asked Bella as he fought to straighten the windsor knot in his navy blue silk necktie.

Bella sighed with a small smile as she crossed to stand in front of him, grasping the silk material to straighten it before flipping down the collar of his dress shirt and smoothing the lapels. “It’s just a way of expressing herself, Edward,” she soothed as she stared up into the extremely handsome face of the love of her life. The past twenty years had definitely aged him. Faint lines now stretched across his brow and the corners of his eyes and his bronze mop was now about half gray. He was still the man of her dreams though, and would always continue to be so.

Edward sighed, wrapping his arms around Bella’s waist as he leaned down to kiss her lips, being careful not to smear the lipstick she had just applied in anticipation of attending Cherie’s graduation from Northwestern University. Their daughter was intelligent, graduating with honors, and yet was completely enamored with this new movement.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait for the epi, It's been a lovely story.
